The purpose of us moving to Italy was for me to be able to learn about food and true Italian cooking. Well, since being here, I have learned about more than just Italian cuisine. In the language school I was attending, I met friends from all over the world. Some of these friends happened to be from Japan. One night when I had a bunch of people over for dinner, one of the girls, Honoka, brought some sushi that she had made. I was very excited because at home Justin and I definitely like to go out for sushi, and I hadn't had any since California. I was very impressed that she made her own. All of the Japanese girls promised me that if I could make my own ravioli, I could definitely make sushi. So, Honoka promised me a sushi lesson! The next week, as part of a farewell dinner for everyone leaving Italy, she showed me how to make sushi, and I showed her my tiramisu. I was very excited to make sushi and can't wait to try it again!
All of the ingredients ready to go

Honoka showing me the first one

My turn to try one. First the rice.

Then the filling. In this case, cucumber and tuna.

Then roll it up.

A finished sushi roll! I was excited about this as you can probably tell.

The finished products. YUM!
You go girl, it does look good even if it's sushi!!!! I'm so happy for you guys, what an experience!!!! Love ya, Brenda