It's hard to believe that Christmas is next week already! How does it always sneak up so quickly?! Christmas is always one of my favorite times of the year, and in Siena, it is a very nice time as well. In the last month, this city has been transformed with Christmas decorations. There are sparkling lights hanging over the streets and you can't walk very far without seeing a Christmas tree. All of the shop windows are decorated and there is a little market that sells different crafts for gifts. Also, gelato has been replaced with roasted chestnuts and hot chocolate. The only thing missing is a dusting of snow.
During the palio season, as I wrote about a few months ago, each contrada is decorated with their flags and colors. For the Christmas season, each contrada has a Christmas tree decorated with their colors. It is neat to see all of the different trees in each neighborhood now.
This year will be a simple Christmas for Justin and I. We will be staying in Siena. The flights to go home would have been over $1700 per person! So it will just be the two of us here. We are not sure exactly what we are going to do yet. We don't even have a tree or any decorations in our apartment yet. I want to buy a small tree so at least it seems a little more festive here. For now, I am just listening to Christmas music all day! And I have no way to make cookies! I don't know how we will have Christmas without cookies! :( we do have a mailbox though, HINT HINT ;) and in case anyone is wondering our address is:
Viale Vittorio Emanuele II n.48
Siena 53100 Italy
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